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installing_panini [2012/08/13 00:56] – Criou página com 'The software "Panini perspective tool" has a relative old version, 0.71.104, [http://sourceforge.net/projects/pvqt/ that can be downloaded at sourceforge in this link]. It needs …' cartolainstalling_panini [2012/08/18 14:30] (atual) cartola
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-The software "Panini perspective tool" has a relative old version, 0.71.104, [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/pvqt/|that can be downloaded at sourceforge in this link]]. It needs to be compiled and has some dependencies that are usually updated, so it sometimes makes compiling Panini not an easy task.+The software "Panini perspective tool" has a relative old version, 0.71.104, [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/pvqt/files/panini/|that can be downloaded at sourceforge in this link]]. It needs to be compiled and has some dependencies that are usually updated, so it sometimes makes compiling Panini not an easy task.
Linha 5: Linha 5:
-I've got to compile Panini today, after some hard time trying to do this. Follows the recipe:+I've got to compile Panini today, after some hard time trying to do this. 
 +A friend also said that it worked on "Linux Mint Debian Edition Update 4" 
 +Follows the recipe:
   *  I've installed a standard Ubuntu desktop version   *  I've installed a standard Ubuntu desktop version
Linha 19: Linha 23:
   *  Create the makefiles with the command:   *  Create the makefiles with the command:
   qmake panini.pro   qmake panini.pro
-  *  Then you need to edit the Makefile.Release file, created after last given command. To make libz be found edit line 18 putting "-lz" at the end. It will be like the line below after that: +  *  Possibly some messages about subversion will be shown if it is not installed. You can ignore them and follow with the compiling process. The messages are like these: 
-  LIBS          = $(SUBLIBS)  -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtCore -lGL -lpthread -lz +  sh: 1: svnversion: not found 
-  *  Next step is to edit the file src/pvQtView.cpp and change lines 761 and 762. I have deleted line 762 and line 761 was changed to this: +   Project MESSAGE: could not run svnversion -- is it installed? 
-  errmsg = "Erro gluErrorString";+  *  Then you need to edit the Makefile.Release file, created after last given command. To make libz be found edit line 18 putting "-lz -lGLU" at the end. It will be like the line below after that: 
 +  LIBS          = $(SUBLIBS)  -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtCore -lGL -lpthread -lz -lGLU
   *  Then you finish compiling Panini with the command:   *  Then you finish compiling Panini with the command:
   make release   make release
 A binary executable file called Panini might have been created. You can now test and use it. A binary executable file called Panini might have been created. You can now test and use it.
installing_panini.1344819381.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2012/08/13 00:56 por cartola